Saturday, August 30, 2008

Water Spout West of Hereford

HI Dave~!

Sharon in Umbarger here again! I was delivering mail today and for the 1st time in my life was able to see anything that resembled a tornado!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They said it was a water spout. Several ladies were out in their yards pointing at the sky. What they saw was behind a tree, to me, and they were asking me "is that a tornado"??? So I drove to where I could see it and it was already going back up into the clouds. OMG~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surreal~! Twilight Zone!!!!!!! Just a slim non-pointy shaft of rapid SWIRL going back up!!!!!! I had my camera with me but it was going fast, so I grabbed my cell phone and snapped this. I've learned I don't like cell phone photos~ If you can enlarge the picture,,,in the middle of the 2 larger center trees is a smaller tree up by the pond. To the right of the smaller tree is about an inch of SWIRL going back up into the clouds. I can see it more plainly if it's enlarged. One of my great-nieces, Alysa (Friemel) George, in Hereford also snapped a picture and I told her how to email it to you...I hope she did,,and I hope she got a better picture! Have a great weekend~!!!!!! I AM a cloud-watcher ,,, and tornado-chaser-wannabe~!!!!! I'll keep my eyes to the sky over this weekend, as I usually do!

Sharon Gerber

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